Project Period
2015 – ongoing
Tung Chung, Hong Kong
Project Lead
Airport Authority Hong Kong
Social Ventures Hong Kong
Project Background & Inspiration
The Airport Authority of Hong Kong (AAHK) formulated a community investment vision in June 2015 in order to contribute more strategically to the Hong Kong community, as a result of growing stakeholders’ expectation.
It specifies that AAHK shall “contribute to the social and economic growth of Hong Kong, in particular Lantau and other neighbouring communities, by nurturing talent, realising the potential of individuals, and encouraging participation in aviation-related industries.”
Social Ventures Hong Kong was engaged as a project advisor to conduct feasibility study to identify the needs of neighbouring communities (i.e., communities on the Lantau Island), and develop project ideas that align with the community investment vision.
What happened in the project?
EXTRA MILE was set up as a collaborative platform between AAHK, SVhk, business partners (businesses with operations in the Hong Kong International Airport) and community partners (nonprofit organizations that mainly serve the Lantau community).
It was launched with three pilot programmes that either take place in Lantau or are targeted at underprivileged communities living in Lantau:
1. Working Holiday@ Lantau
A one-year work placement programme targeted at working youths with 2-3 years of work experience to explore and develop people-skills with mentorship support, career planning and community service experiences
2. The Pioneer
A one-year work placement programme targeted at non-Chinese speakers with leadership potential, with an aim to cultivate an inclusive workplace; participants would take on a one-year placement at a host organization with career planning support given by community partner, so that they would become team leaders in the future
3. EduCare
An after-school care programme targeted at parents working at the Hong Kong International Airport whose kids are attending primary schools in Tung Chung; designed to last for one academic year, the programme offers tutorial services, exposure programme and family support
The three pilot programmes were carried out with the support of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre, and Playtao Education respectively.
Project Impact and Key Takeaway
The project pioneered the concept of Creating Shared Value in Hong Kong and enabled AAHK to build a collaborative platform with its business partners to attract and retain talent and create socio-economic opportunities for neighbouring communities at the same time
Corporates operating at HKIA were encouraged to “go the extra mile” and embed people-centric mindset into their talent acquisition practice
Inspire new narratives in the corporate communication circle in communicating the business’ innovations and bringing human stories to life
Project Gallery

Features/External Links
Community Investment, Community - Hong Kong International Airport (hongkongairport.com)
HKIA-ExtraMile-project-leaflet.pdf (hongkongairport.com)
EXTRA MILE’s First Anniversary HKIA Promotes Creating Shared Value With Community | Airports Council International - ACI Asia-Pacific (aci-asiapac.aero)
Press Releases, Media Centre - Hong Kong International Airport (hongkongairport.com)
Speech by CS at HKIA Extra Mile project launching ceremony (with photos/video) (info.gov.hk)